Re-paying debit failed transactions
To re-pay the debit failed transactions, they will need to be re-scheduled. This means clients need to authorise ClickSuper to attempt the debit again- this is done by scheduling. If clients do not schedule their transactions they will remain unpaid - it is important that clients re-schedule their debit failed transactions as they have not met their superannuation guarantee obligations until superannuation has been successfully paid. For more information on superannuation guides please see our guide: Superannuation Guidelines
The debit failed transactions will have the status Debit Failed in your ClickSuper account as shown below.
To re-schedule the payments for debit, select a payment row so that it turns dark blue and select the schedule button as below:
The following box will appear. Clicking on the payment date (the box underneath SCHEDULE DATE) will display a calendar as shown below. Clients can click the date that they want the debit to occur on in the calendar, or type in the date. Once the appropriate date has been entered, please click the tick button.
This will schedule the payments for debit on the date specified.
To schedule more than one payment at a time, please click the top payment that needs to be scheduled, click the SHIFT button on your keyboard and then click another payment that needs to be scheduled. This will highlight all payments in-between as shown below. Clients know when this has been done correctly as all appropriate payments will be highlighted dark blue. Please note: The SCHEDULE ALL button will not work for debit failed payments.
To schedule the highlighted payments, simply click the SCHEDULE button as shown above.
The following box will appear. Clicking on the payment date (the box underneath SCHEDULE DATE) will display a calendar as shown below. Clients can click the date that they want the debit to occur on in the calendar, or type in the date. Once the appropriate date has been entered, please click the tick button.
This will schedule the highlighted payments for debit. Clients can check if payments have been scheduled by ensuring the status of the payments have updated to Scheduled from Debit Failed. Provided the status has changed, any payments in status Scheduled will be debited at 4pm AEST on the date specified.
If you schedule the payment on a business day prior to 4pm AEST your account will be debited on the same business day. If a payment is scheduled after 4pm AEST, the debit will occur on the following business day at 4pm AEST - clients are unable to schedule payments for same day debit if scheduled after 4pm AEST. ClickSuper does not process payments on weekends or national public holidays. Payments scheduled on weekends or national public holidays will be process the next available business day.
ClickSuper requires three business days to process each contribution. You will need to ensure that all payments are scheduled three business days prior to the due date of any contribution. For further information on this requirement, please refer to our section on Direct Debit Payment Schedule or to the APCA website.