How to view the Dashboard
Information on the Dashboard is displayed in three tables - Upload, Contribution and Payment Status.
Once logged in, your default landing page for an organisation will be the ClickSuper Dashboard.
The Dashboard is the central hub of a ClickSuper account. It has been designed to provide an overview of an organisation at a glance so clients can see their recent file uploads, any payments currently being processed and contribution errors that have been received (if any). From here, clients can jump to the relevant part of the account for a closer look.
On this page:
Upload table
The Upload table (highlighted with the purple box in the screenshot above) shows the last four files uploaded to an account.
- The UPLOAD column shows the name of the file uploaded.
- The TYPE column indicates the kind of file uploaded. For superannuation it would show Contribution as the type; for STP files either STP Pay Event or STP Update.
- The STATUS column indicates the status of the file.
- The UPLOADED column displays the date and time a file was uploaded to ClickSuper.
Under the UPLOAD column the names have a light blue background. This means that if clicked, the UPLOADS menu will load so clients can drill down in their uploads in greater detail - particularly if there is a failed file that the error report needs to be reviewed for.
If your Upload table appears blank with "No data" then the contribution data is automatically upload via your payroll system and so is not visible on your account. If you wish to review your superannuation files, this should be actionable via your payroll software.
Payment Status table
The Payment Status Table (highlighted with the dark green box in the screenshot above) shows the payments that have been paid, in the process of being paid and awaiting approval. The default status displayed shows payments that are awaiting payment or are in the process of being paid. Paid payments do not appear as a default, but all statuses can be displayed by clicking the Show all status tickbox (highlighted by the blue box in the screenshot above).
The table will expand, showing the below.
Clients can click the light blue background for each status to drill down to show payments under that status.
You can read more about Payment Status' here.
Contribution table
The Contribution table (highlighted with the orange box in the screenshot above) shows the messages sent to the superfund. This means that it doesn't relate to the payments side of the process - just the electronic messages/ remittances sent to the superannuation funds.
- The CONTRIBUTION column shows the type of message received from the superannuation fund or sent to the superannuation fund.
- The NEW column shows messages that are unread.
- The ACTIVE column shows messages that have been read.
- The OVERDUE column is a feature that belongs to our superannuation fund clients - please ignore.
If a superannuation fund sends a message to an employer regarding a contribution that was received from them, it will appear as a registration outcome or a contribution error. The columns have a light blue background which means that they can be clicked on to drill down for more information within the CONTRIBUTIONS menu.
The Contribution table is most useful when seeking detail on Registration Outcome and Contribution Error messages. For more information on contribution errors and how to read a contribution error, please see the following guide: New Contribution Error Message
Definition of Message Types
Message Type
Registration | A new member registration message has been sent to a superannuation fund. Registration messages are only sent to superannuation funds that are listed as Default Funds for your organisation. |
Registration Outcome | A response has been received from the superannuation fund with a registration outcome (see above > Registration). |
Contribution | A contribution message has been sent to a fund. |
Contribution Error | A response has been received from the superannuation fund with an error message (see above > Contribution). You can read more about Contribution Errors here. |
- Sections of the tables shaded in light blue are all hyperlinks - use these to navigate quickly to the relevant page with filters already applied for you.
- The Contribution table is all about Superstream (Contribution) Data, both in and out. This should not be confused with payments.