Error Message - Must be entered
When the ATO introduced SuperStream they also released the Schematron, a validation process to ensure all messages enter the network formatted correctly. The Schematron is included in the SuperStream compliant (v4) release of the ClickSuper service.
Mandatory information must be entered for employers, member and funds.
First level of validation for the process is to identify which mandatory fields do not have values available and must be entered.
Each mandatory field has unique error number, depending on your file type (XML or SAFF) we identify the Area in the File and the Field Name which this mandatory field relates to. The Contains or Starts With value displays the value that has been populated in the file which has caused the area. Where Contains or Starts With has a value of 'Not Available' this means there was no data for this field in the file.
All mandatory fields where the error message is 'Must be entered' all follow the same error reporting.
The Find by Searching For section will provide all available information for your to locate the details in your file.
Error report - XML file format
In the below example 24501 refers to Area in File: SuperMember and the Field Name - Address Line1 field.
The Find by Search For section will identify which member in your file does not have an Address Line 1 populated.
In our above example, George Grayson does not have an address line 1 value.
Information details of which employer (ContributorABN/Business Name) and which superfund (TargetFundABN) belongs to.
The action you will need to take is provide this information in your file.
Error report - SAFF file format
Each mandatory field has unique error number.
In the below example 24501 refers to Area in File: SUPER FUND MEMBER COMMON and the Field Name - Address Details Line1 Text field.
The Find by Search For section will identify which row id in your file does not have an Address Details Line 1 text populated.
The action you will need to take is provide this information in your file.