Disbursements – Registration and Setting up
In ClickSuper, disbursements are payments paid other than superannuation. Whilst salaries are the most common disbursement paid, any payment can technically be processed this way. Most frequently paid disbursements are salaries and tax obligations which are paid through an ABA file. Disbursements are not open to all clients. If you would like more information regarding our disbursement offering please email us at support@clicksuper.com.au.
If you have already registered an account to pay disbursements please see our Getting Started - Disbursements guide for next steps.
Step 1: Registration of the ABN
Clients need to register the ABN of any client that disbursements are being paid on behalf of. Because monies are being paid directly to ClickSuper and not being debited from a client, the level of authority we require is different from a normal registration. The below guide steps through the altered registration process.
Applying for ClickSuper
To register, click on the green APPLY NOW button in the top right hand corner of our website https://www.clicksuper.com.au
Clients need to select the appropriate service to apply for - please select Superannuation & STP.
The first part of the ClickSuper registration will now be displayed. This section requires preliminary information about your organisation.
To begin, ClickSuper requires your organisation's ABN or ACN. Once entered as shown below, please click the Validate button – this simply validates the ABN/ ACN provided with the ATO. Next please click the arrow for the dropdown menu for Company Name and choose the appropriate name of your organisation displayed. ABN/ACNs can have several business names so please choose the name which you want your organisation known as.
A branch name is only needed if more than one bank account will be used to make payments. If only one bank account will be used, please leave the branch name blank.
The next part of the registration process refers to the system administrator.
A System Administrator is the main contact for the account in which if needed, will be the first point of contact and receive notifications relating to your organisation. We recommend using a group email address if possible.
Lastly, you will be required to enter in a code provided by your payroll software provider. Please follow up with us directly for this code.
Please click Submit Query. This will send an email to the email address provided with Step 2 of the registration process.
Providing further registration information
The second part of the registration process requires further information so we can set up an account for your organization.
An email will be sent to the email address specified in Step 1 – system administrator details. This email contains a link that needs to be clicked to provide further information about your organization and to nominate a company Officeholder to authorize the details provided.
A copy of the email sent is below:
Please click on the link ‘Here’ within the email to proceed to the next step of the registration.
The company ABN or ACN will be displayed as well as the name of the organization at the top of the application form – this will be generated from the information provided and validated in part one of the registration. The address will also be provided based on the information recorded with the ATO however it can be updated if necessary.
The next step is providing default contact details. These details will be held on file so ClickSuper has a person of contact if needed.
The next piece of information required are banking details. Because a VBA will be used technically these details are not needed, however the system requires that details are entered to proceed. Please do not enter the client’s bank details – enter a dummy bank account. An explanation of a VBA will be provided later in the guide.
The next step requires providing Officeholder information. An Officeholder is typically a director or another signatory of the bank account provided. ClickSuper does not require Officeholders as a VBA will be used and not a client's bank account. Please enter a normal contact for this account.
The next piece of information required are system administrator details. In step 1 of the registration process an email was provided; this elaborates on this further and asks for name and contact information. The username provided is listed as the email address/username – this will be your username for ClickSuper. The password specified will be the password used to log in to ClickSuper along with username.
Please use a password that is a minimum of 8 characters long, as well as containing a capital letter, a number and a symbol.
The next step requests an email for notifications to be sent to such as failed/ successful upload or debit/ credit failures. Ideally this is a group account so more than one member of staff can note and action it if appropriate.
Once entered, please submit this part of the registration.
Step 2: Advising ClickSuper of registration so configuration /VBA creation can occur
An email will be sent to the email address provided for the Officeholder – please ignore this email, it does not need completion. Instead, please send an email to registration@clicksuper.com.au confirming the below:
Hello team,
I have registered a new client for disbursements and will require a VBA and disbursements configuration.
ABN of employer: XXXXXXXXXXX
Name of employer: XXXXXXX
Please activate my account and provide a VBA.
ClickSuper will respond with a VBA and confirm activation of the account at this point - the registration process has been completed.
Please see our next Section to Getting Started - Disbursements for the next steps in paying disbursements.